In 2024, after a six-year pause, we proudly undertook the task of reimagining the magazine, a cherished source of business and cultural insights. As of May 2024 – this magazine won the Penman Smith Award from CCI National.
Branding and Graphic Design
TPM Group was to give this esteemed publication a new lease of life through innovative design while the chapter’s knowledgeable members provided its rich content. We carefully crafted a modern yet respectful visual narrative that complemented the insightful articles contributed by the members, ensuring a seamless blend of style and substance.
The design approach centred on enhancing readability and engagement with layouts that brought the members’ diverse perspectives and expertise to the forefront. We transformed the magazine into a state-of-the-art digital platform by integrating interactive digital elements, offering readers an immersive experience.
This revitalization was more than just a design overhaul; it was about creating a vibrant, community-driven space where the magazine’s legacy could flourish anew. The successful relaunch of the magazine, marked by a surge in readership and acclaim, is a testament to our dedication to harmonizing innovative design with the rich, member-driven content, propelling this esteemed publication into a dynamic and promising future.